Video Games Archive
19 Jul 2013
Dry Bones Sculpture by ClayPita
Dry Bones Sculpture! I’m pretty sure that everyone has a favourite Super Mario Character. I think that if I could only pick one, that dry bones would be it. He looks cool, and has a get back
10 May 2013
iPhone Cases – Iconic Characters by GamerPrint
By allhailskippy On 10 May 2013 In Video Games
I don’t personally own an iPhone (I’m currently stuck with a BlackBerry for a bit), but if I did, this is exactly the type of case I’d want for it. Lots of protection, and some serious geek
9 May 2013
Rubik’s Companion Cube by Stephen Granade
By allhailskippy On 9 May 2013 In Video Games
As a gamer who’s never played Portal (I get crazy motion sickness on games with cameras that move to quick). I don’t really have much to say about the Rubik’s Companion Cube. It looks neat, but sadly
9 May 2013
Super Mario Tuna Cans by RyanTcone
Ok, so this crazy Super Mario display isn’t technically a “craft”. But I still thought it was cool enough to share with you folks anyways. I’m sure someone put in a lot of hard work to design,
8 May 2013
Pacman and Ghost Crochet by Penelope Bulnick
I recently made my own stab at making some Pacman and Ghosts craft. But where mine was cute and soft, these are super cute and tiny. Plus they’ve got movable eyes, how awesome is that. Did you
6 May 2013
Tetris Stop Motion Chalk Art by Chris Carlson
By allhailskippy On 6 May 2013 In Video Games
I’ve put more than my fair share of hours into Tetris on the NES. Making those lines go away 4 at a time over and over and over to the same repetitive music was certainly a lot
3 May 2013
Pacman and Ghost Plush by Allhailskippy
Check out these video’s on how to make a Pacman and Ghost plush. I made them myself, but that doesn’t mean I can’t also think they’re super cute. You should make one for yourself, or someone you
17 Apr 2013
Gun Prop Game Room by Andrew Cook
This is pretty crazy. Andrew Cook has decorated his gaming room with all kinds of gun props from different video games. There’s some guns from Halo and Mass Effect, and it looks like a couple of swords
10 Apr 2013
How to Sew Pixel Art by Lunatrix
If you ever want to make your own pixel art out of fabric, but weren’t sure exactly how to make that happen, then Lunatrix has got you covered. These step by step instructions are pretty clear and
8 Apr 2013
Donkey Kong Mashups by Baznet
I’ve been on a bit of an adventure time kick lately, and this Donkey Kong mashup strikes me as being just the right mix of new and retro. If you like it, or want to see more,