Star Wars Archive
21 Mar 2014
R2D2 Yarn Bomb by Sarah Rudder
R2D2 Yarn Bomb I’ve seen a few Yarn bombs before. The only one that comes to mind is the time the bull got yarn bombed on Wall St but the R2D2 Yarn Bomb that Sarah Rudder made
24 Sep 2013
Hand Made Lightsaber
By allhailskippy On 24 September 2013 In Star Wars
I’ve always wanted my very own hand made lightsaber, and now I can have it! Kind of. Obviously it isn’t an exact copy of on screen blades wielded by Jedi’s. But it IS capable of dealing some
20 Aug 2013
Star Wars Deck Chairs by Amberle Linnea
By allhailskippy On 20 August 2013 In Star Wars
If you’re looking for a nice relaxing place to spend a weekend out on Tatooine or as close as your cottage, then look no further. This is the droid and storm trooper Star Wars deck chairs you’re
31 Jul 2013
Death Star Pinata by EastCoastMommy
By allhailskippy On 31 July 2013 In Star Wars
Where was this when I was young enough to enjoy smashing open pinata’s. Ok, I’m not fooling anyone, I still love smashing open pinatas, especially death star pinatas, but the kids at the party don’t like it
24 Jul 2013
C3P0 Wedding Ring by Paul Bierker
A C3P0 Wedding Ring. Oh my! Earlier this year I showed you a BSG engagement ring. If you’ve passed the engagement, and are moving on to the wedding stage, or just happen to be getting married any
10 May 2013
Boba Fett Lamp by Major League Mods
By allhailskippy On 10 May 2013 In Star Wars
As a Boba Fett fan as a kid, I would have loved to have had a Boba Fett Lamp in my room. Sadly, this tutorial was never around, and there wasn’t anywhere to buy one either. Fortunately
8 May 2013
Star Wars Nursery by Omooney
When you’re a Star Wars fan, and are looking for the perfect Star Wars nursery for your little one, look no further. This room has everything a young padawan needs to start on their road to geekdom.
8 May 2013
Mini Millennium Falcon Papercraft by David Canavese
By allhailskippy On 8 May 2013 In Star Wars
According to Wikipedia, the Millennium Falcon is supposed to be 26.7 meters across. Artist David Canavese managed to get it down to just under an inch. I’m awed by the typical paper craft. They’re time consuming, and
6 May 2013
Millenium Falcon Sled by Sean Murray
By allhailskippy On 6 May 2013 In Star Wars
She’s got it where it counts It’s no longer winter, despite what the weather’s been like lately, but this Millenium Falcon sled looks like a REAL cool idea if you’ve got little kids. Dad of the winter
17 Apr 2013
Official Star Wars Crafts
By allhailskippy On 17 April 2013 In Star Wars
Like Star Wars? Got a kid? Want to make a craft? At all three come together in an offical way. They’ve got finger puppets, paper crafts, a piñata and of course, a chewbacca sock puppet! Everyone