Nintendo Salt Art by Bashirsultani
This art is nothing to sneeze at. Ok, I’m sorry, but I had to. I truly believe you can make art out of pretty much anything, and bashirsultani would probably agree. You can watch as they take a bunch of salt and with it create a mini nintendo salt art masterpiece.
People really can make art out of anything these days. Proof positive: Bashir Sultani’s “Art with Salt,” a self-conceived art medium that the artist uses to draw portraits of famous people. And recently, he decided to use salt to create portraits of two very famous fictional characters: Nintendo‘s Link and Mario.
Check out these time-lapse videos of Bashir Sultani’s salt art interpretations of Link and Mario. The Mario one is in color, but I think the Link one is by far the better piece.
Nintendo Salt Art by Bashirsultani #nerdcrafting