1 Apr 2016
Pac Man Board Pattern by Sam McDougall
This Pac Man Board pattern will help from being bored As classic video games go, Pac-Man’s way up at the top of most lists. Even if it doesn’t have the seemingly endless amount of choices games like
31 Mar 2016
DIY Flying Purple People Eater Plush by Gwenif
By allhailskippy On 31 March 2016 In Plush Toys
This Flying Purple People Eater doesn’t look all that strange I think most people had one song they enjoyed as a small child that probably drove their parents completely bonkers. Not because they’re bad songs. But because
30 Mar 2016
Fan made TARDIS Control room by Todd
By allhailskippy On 30 March 2016 In Doctor Who
This TARDIS Control room really is bigger on the inside As far as TARDIS’s go, there’s only a few ways fans typically make them. And that’s a big or small blue box that goes somewhere. What isn’t
29 Mar 2016
DIY Bender Woodstove by Halftroll
Bite my shiny metal Bender Woodstove If you’ve ever seen an episode of Futurama (and if you haven’t, then you should leave here immediately and go watch that instead of reading this), you’ll know that lovably awful
28 Mar 2016
DIY Legend of Zelda Fierce Deity Sword
Double the ways to make the Fierce Deity Sword While not my favourite Zelda title ever, the Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask certainly has a lot of cool content to come out of it. There’s obviously the
27 Mar 2016
Han Solo’s Lego Blaster Pistol by Captain Infinity
This LEGO Blaster Pistol definitely shot first I think it’s pretty clear by now that I love LEGO stuff, and I love when lego stuff crosses over into my other fandoms. This LEGO blaster pistol created by
26 Mar 2016
Little Video Game Books by Joebot
By allhailskippy On 26 March 2016 In Fan Art
Little video game books will have you saying Fus-Ro-Dawwww I have a distinct memory of a blue wooden bookshelf in my childhood bedroom that contained a whole bunch of Little Golden Books. These little video game books
25 Mar 2016
DIY Boss Monster Insert by Allhailskippy
By allhailskippy On 25 March 2016 In Paper Crafts
This Boss Monster Insert is the Boss If you own a copy of both Boss Monster 1 and Boss Monster 2, then you’ll know that once you mix up all the cards, you’re left with a game
24 Mar 2016
DIY Yip Yip Crochet by Dvortygirl
By allhailskippy On 24 March 2016 In Crochet
Yip Yip Yip Yip Unhunnnn. Nope Nope Nope. If you were watching TV around the same time as I was when I was growing up, you’re probably familiar with the sounds made by these lovable little creatures
23 Mar 2016
Post It Note Arcade Animation
Post It Note Arcade Animation I can’t even begin to imagine how much time it took Michael Birken to put this post it note arcade animation together. Well I can, kind of. It took him 96 days,