DIY Bender Woodstove by Halftroll

Bite my shiny metal Bender Woodstove

If you’ve ever seen an episode of Futurama (and if you haven’t, then you should leave here immediately and go watch that instead of reading this), you’ll know that lovably awful bending robot called bender. He’s rude, he’s crude, and now this Bender woodstove can be used to cook your food or heat your home for you. He’d probably find the closest suicide machine if he knew what you were up to though.

Bender Woodstove

O.K here I am again, this time I’ve got something a little more fun. A short while ago I moved to a new workshop and the cooler evenings had me thinking about making a decent size woodstove, a few days later while watching Futurama and drunk as a skunk an idea came to me. Three weeks later, 5 gas bottles, 5kg of welding wire, 90 litres of CO2, various bits of steel mostly 1.2mm sheet, plenty of plasters and copious amounts of alcohol this is what I ended up with.

  1. 9 years ago
  2. 8 years ago

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