This Boss Monster Insert is the Boss If you own a copy of both Boss Monster 1 and Boss Monster 2, then you’ll know that once you mix up all the cards, you’re left with a game
I’ve done a papercraft or two before, and have a pretty good idea of the amount of time they can suck out of you.. but even knowing this, I can only imagine how much time and effort
What takes 226 hours, is the coolest thing I’ve seen this month (and I’ve been looking for cool things) and was given to a stranger for free by a deviant artist? A life-sized zelda paper craft of
Like origami? Like Star Wars? I’ve got just the thing for you. Origami Yoda. If you’ve got a 1/2 hour to spend to see something amazing, then I highly recommend you watch this video. If not, I’d
Have you ever wanted to make a simple, but cool 8-bit card, but didn’t know how? Well with this tutorial, you can learn. It looks super simple, and as long as you have a steady hand and
I’ve got a lot of respect for anybody who’s able to not only build, but design a papercraft. Having made a Cylon Raider from BSG myself, I know just how patient you have to be to put