2 Mar 2013

Super Mario Bros – Fish Tank

I am not a fish person in the slightest. I had one, the I got another one, and they both died. That’s about the extent of my fish owning experience. Seeing this video made me consider (albeit
1 Mar 2013

Origami Jedi Master Yoda – Fumiaki Kawahata

Like origami? Like Star Wars? I’ve got just the thing for you. Origami Yoda. If you’ve got a 1/2 hour to spend to see something amazing, then I highly recommend you watch this video. If not, I’d
27 Feb 2013

Lord of the Rings and Hobbit Posters – Fan Art

These Lord of the Rings/Hobbit posters are super cool, and pretty reasonably priced. The only thing I’d like is if there were slightly different backgrounds, both texture and tint/colour. That being said, they’re still pretty awesome. The
26 Feb 2013

Battlestar Galactica Engagement Ring

Made up of two cylon warrior heads from Battlestar Galactica (2004 BSG) and using components from his grandmothers ring, Michael Moragne has designed and made one of the coolest engagement rings I’ve ever seen. Talk about a
25 Feb 2013

Spiderman Fan Art – Dan Burgess

I’ve always been a fan of the Spiderman franchise. Although I haven’t owned many of the actual comics myself, I have watched a LOT of the 80s animated series. Not to mention the 3 Sam Raimi movies.
22 Feb 2013

LEGO Ghostbusters Headquarters

Lego was a HUGE part of my childhood and a pretty big part of my adult life. I even made one of my early video’s, before I got into How-To’s and crafting, about playing with 10lb of
22 Feb 2013

Rule 63 – Two Face Makeup

Two-Face is one of the most notorious Batman villains. Created when Harvey Dent is involved in an acid attack Two-Face spreads good or evil based on the flip of a coin. I don’t understand italian, so I’m
21 Feb 2013

The Legend of Zelda – Minimilist Fan Art

The Legend of Zelda is one of my all time favourite video game franchises. When I saw these minimalist renditions of each game by newrobotz at deviantart.com I absolutely had to share them. They’re fantastic looking. I’m
21 Feb 2013

8-bit Popup Cards

Have you ever wanted to make a simple, but cool 8-bit card, but didn’t know how? Well with this tutorial, you can learn. It looks super simple, and as long as you have a steady hand and
20 Feb 2013

Majora’s Mask – Wii U Fan Art Design

I’m a huge fan of the Zelda series in general, although perhaps I didn’t play Majora’s Mask as much as some of the others. My favourite being a link to the past. However, this fan design of