Fan Art Archive

19 Jul 2013

Dry Bones Sculpture by ClayPita

Dry Bones Sculpture! I’m pretty sure that everyone has a favourite Super Mario Character. I think that if I could only pick one, that dry bones would be it. He looks cool, and has a get back
18 Jul 2013

DIY Wood Comic Cover by kevinmakes

If I ever get access to a laser cutter I may give this DIY wood comic book cover craft a try. Of course if I did, I’d probably end up making a version of Spawn, #1. I
18 Jul 2013

He Man and the Masters of Grade School by Patrick Ballesteros

He Man has never looked so adorable. I’ve never described anything He Man related as “cute” before. But these guys all look so cute. Even the super sulky Skeletor. I think that Patrick Ballesteros really nailed this
6 May 2013

Tetris Stop Motion Chalk Art by Chris Carlson

I’ve put more than my fair share of hours into Tetris on the NES. Making those lines go away 4 at a time over and over and over to the same repetitive music was certainly a lot
8 Apr 2013

Donkey Kong Mashups by Baznet

I’ve been on a bit of an adventure time kick lately, and this Donkey Kong mashup strikes me as being just the right mix of new and retro. If you like it, or want to see more,
4 Apr 2013

Boba Fett – Bounty Hunter – Print by BeastWreck

Found a pretty cool vintage looking Boba Fett print for sale. You can have your very own for $15-$52 depending on what size you want. It reminds me of a lunchbox for some reason.
1 Apr 2013

Super Metroid – Depths of Tourian – Fan Art – By Elemental79

One of my all time SNES games is Super Metroid. It’s one of the few snes games that I not only beat, but beat multiple times in order to get the different endings. I watched the entire
19 Mar 2013

Doctor Who Tardis and Robin Dictionary Art Print

These prints, while such a super simple idea, always seem to turn out super cool. This one is a printed page from a vintage dictionary with a TARDIS from Doctor Who, and a robin on top. The
18 Mar 2013

Masters of the Universe – Fan Art

I used to watch He-Man and the Masters of the Universe all the time as a kid. I’ve decided that it’s best left that way, since a lot of the time re-watching childhood shows ends up taking
16 Mar 2013

Zelda Life Size Papercraft by Minidelirium

What takes 226 hours, is the coolest thing I’ve seen this month (and I’ve been looking for cool things) and was given to a stranger for free by a deviant artist? A life-sized zelda paper craft of