Cosplay Archive
2 Apr 2016
Amazing Weeping Angel Cosplay by penwiper337
Blink and you’ll miss this awesome Weeping Angel cosplay One of the baddest of all the baddies in the Doctor Who universe has got to be the Weeping Angels. Originally seen in the episode ‘Blink’, we got
3 Sep 2013
Ramona Flowers Star Purse by Toenolla
I was asked a long time ago if I would make a Ramona Flowers Star purse. I’ve always been meaning to get to it, but it looks like it’s already been made. And a super cool version
17 Apr 2013
Gun Prop Game Room by Andrew Cook
This is pretty crazy. Andrew Cook has decorated his gaming room with all kinds of gun props from different video games. There’s some guns from Halo and Mass Effect, and it looks like a couple of swords
9 Apr 2013
Creating Costume Armor with Wonderflex by Volpin
By allhailskippy On 9 April 2013 In Cosplay
A while back I shared a post on how to make helmets from video games. Well volpin from instructables has done it again, and done a fantastic instructable on how to make costume armor out of wonderflex
19 Mar 2013
Batarangs (Batman – The Dark Knight) by Man at Arms
When I was little, I used to make Batman “batarang” out of out of popsicle sticks. I thought they were pretty near the coolest things ever. As far as I’m concerned, this is the evolution of that
16 Mar 2013
Creating Helmets and Armor from Videogames for Fun and Profit!
I’m going to file this one under “I have to do this some time soon”. I recently finished skyrim. Or at least 95% of skyrim thanks to one bad decision on the daedric quests, and deciding not
22 Feb 2013
Rule 63 – Two Face Makeup
By allhailskippy On 22 February 2013 In Cosplay
Two-Face is one of the most notorious Batman villains. Created when Harvey Dent is involved in an acid attack Two-Face spreads good or evil based on the flip of a coin. I don’t understand italian, so I’m