cross stitch Archive
4 Nov 2016
Dungeons and Dragons Iron On Badge
By allhailskippy On 4 November 2016 In Cross Stitch
So I’ve recently (and finally) gotten back into playing Dungeons and Dragons. It’s amazing how much I’ve missed it. I really do enjoy the shared experience of telling a story together with a group of people. Since
22 Mar 2016
Video Game Cross Stitching by Per Fhager
Video Game Cross Stitching is the stitch I’ve been a long time cross sticher. Like 25+ years long. I love the craft, but for some reason I hadn’t really mixed my love of cross stitching with my
30 Jul 2014
DIY Iron On Patches by PaulTheDIYGuy
By allhailskippy On 30 July 2014 In Cross Stitch
Way back in the day, iron on patches were all the rage. Ok, well maybe they didn’t have the popularity of snap bracelets or pogs, but they were still pretty dang cool. I always wanted to have
25 Mar 2014
Star Wars Saga Cross Stitch by Aled Lewis
I can only imagine how long this took to design and make, but I’m certain that it wasn’t overnight. This star wars saga cross stitch is 30 feet long and just over a foot high and covers
21 Mar 2014
Lord of the Rings – Glow in the Dark Cross-Stitch by Pickelpants
By allhailskippy On 21 March 2014 In Cross Stitch
Lord of the Rings – Mines of Moria This craft is a must do for any fan of Lord of the Rings! The classic entrance to the great Mines of Moria with the words “Speak Friend and
24 Jul 2013
Walking Dead Cross Stitch by Cross Stitch Ninja
Wow. Just wow. What a cool walking dead cross stitch. I’ve done more than my fair share of cross-stitches in my time, and none of them have ever been considered a “quick” craft. They take hours upon