22 Mar 2016
Video Game Cross Stitching by Per Fhager
Video Game Cross Stitching is the stitch I’ve been a long time cross sticher. Like 25+ years long. I love the craft, but for some reason I hadn’t really mixed my love of cross stitching with my
21 Mar 2016
Giant Lego Darth Vader
This Lego Darth Vader takes the mini out of the mini-fig SSSHHH HOHHHHHH. SSSHHH HOHHHHHH. As a fan of both Star Wars, and Lego, I love seeing both mixed together. I’m still working on getting that 100%
18 Mar 2016
Star Wars themed baby room
By allhailskippy On 18 March 2016 In Star Wars
Star Wars themed baby room is out of this world In order to get the little ones ready for a lifetime of geekdom correctly, you can take a page out of Carissa XY’s book and create a
17 Mar 2016
DIY Link Hat by Tolmema
Hey! Listen! Make a Link Hat! The legend of Zelda is an all time classic Nintendo game, and one of the iconic parts of these games (beyond the shield and sword) is Link’s distinctive green hat. Over
16 Mar 2016
DIY TARDIS Phone Charging Station
By allhailskippy On 16 March 2016 In Doctor Who
Turn your desk into the Cardiff Rift Looking for a geeky way to hold your phone while it’s charging? Well look no further, because here comes a cool solution. This TARDIS phone charging station is just the
15 Mar 2016
Superhero Noir Posters by Marko Manev
By allhailskippy On 15 March 2016 In Fan Art
If you’ve got a flair for the dark and broody, and dig superhero posters, then I’ve got something you’re going to absolutely love. These superhero noir posters are fantastic. They all capture the heart of the characters
14 Mar 2016
EVE Plush From Wall-E by KaptinScarlet
By allhailskippy On 14 March 2016 In Movies
For fans of the movie Wall-E (myself included), this EVE plush looks like a super simple way to have a piece of the movie come to life. Ok, well not to life, but at least out of
11 Mar 2016
Inception Table by Stelios Mousarris
By allhailskippy On 11 March 2016 In Fan Art
While it looks a bit like an upside down toboggan, this Inception table is one of the coolest and for sure one of the most intricate tables I’ve ever seen. While clearly inspired by the movie Inception,
10 Mar 2016
Gigantic Star Wars Lego AT-AT
The folks over at YouTube channel BrickVault have put together a crazy large Star Wars Lego AT-AT based on Peter Brookdale’s design. Weighing in at 6,000 pieces with a build time of 26 hours, this beast is
9 Mar 2016
3D Perler Bead Zelda Chest by SpeedBead
By allhailskippy On 9 March 2016 In Zelda
Having recently gotten back into creating some Perler bead creations, I’ve been looking at a lot more videos that use them to make crafts. Most of them are basically just pixel art (which I think is cool)