Battlestar Galactica Archive
26 Aug 2014
Battlestar Lego Ship
I’ve recently started re-watching BSG, and am just as impressed with the series the second time around. I’m also just catching up on Caprica as I go, so I’m starting to put a couple of theories together
2 Apr 2013
Nerd Blanket Supreme by leilaniac
By allhailskippy On 2 April 2013 In Yarn
This super duper nerd blanket has a LOT of different references on it. Hopefully I get them all: Big Bang theory (soft kitty, warm kitty), NeverEnding Story (falcor), Voltron, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Star Wars,
26 Feb 2013
Battlestar Galactica Engagement Ring
Made up of two cylon warrior heads from Battlestar Galactica (2004 BSG) and using components from his grandmothers ring, Michael Moragne has designed and made one of the coolest engagement rings I’ve ever seen. Talk about a