Batman Archive
15 Mar 2016
Superhero Noir Posters by Marko Manev
By allhailskippy On 15 March 2016 In Fan Art
If you’ve got a flair for the dark and broody, and dig superhero posters, then I’ve got something you’re going to absolutely love. These superhero noir posters are fantastic. They all capture the heart of the characters
19 Mar 2013
Batarangs (Batman – The Dark Knight) by Man at Arms
When I was little, I used to make Batman “batarang” out of out of popsicle sticks. I thought they were pretty near the coolest things ever. As far as I’m concerned, this is the evolution of that
22 Feb 2013
Rule 63 – Two Face Makeup
By allhailskippy On 22 February 2013 In Cosplay
Two-Face is one of the most notorious Batman villains. Created when Harvey Dent is involved in an acid attack Two-Face spreads good or evil based on the flip of a coin. I don’t understand italian, so I’m