20 Feb 2013
Doctor Who Crochet Patterns
Like Doctor Who? Want to have your own set of Doctors? Well on craftyiscool.blogspot.ca you can see the entire set, plus a crochet TARDIS! The best part is the patterns are available on ravelry.com or etsy.com. Sadly,
20 Feb 2013
Tetris Shelves
I don’t have a workshop, but I would LOVE to make a video on making these shelves. They look absolutely incredible. I can picture what they would look like as my new video background as well. It
20 Feb 2013
Hawken Assault Mech
By allhailskippy On 20 February 2013 In Paper Crafts
I’ve got a lot of respect for anybody who’s able to not only build, but design a papercraft. Having made a Cylon Raider from BSG myself, I know just how patient you have to be to put
20 Feb 2013
How to make Sting from The Hobbit
By allhailskippy On 20 February 2013 In That's PS!
I’ll start the site by pimping out my latest DIY craft, “How to make Sting from The Hobbit”, where I take you step by step through the process of making a version of “Sting” out of some