Jewelry Archive
21 Nov 2014
Eye of Sauron Pendant by Paul the DIY Guy
By allhailskippy On 21 November 2014 In Jewelry
I am a HUGE fan of the whole Lord of the Rings / Hobbit series. I grew up reading the books, and have been able to see all of the films since the beginning… even the craptacular
30 Jul 2013
Metroid Parasite Pendant by CriticalHitShop
Super duper Metroid Parasite Pendant. If you’re looking for the perfect trophy to represent your victory over the little life suckers than look no further. These metroid parasite pendants are available for custom order, so I have
24 Jul 2013
C3P0 Wedding Ring by Paul Bierker
A C3P0 Wedding Ring. Oh my! Earlier this year I showed you a BSG engagement ring. If you’ve passed the engagement, and are moving on to the wedding stage, or just happen to be getting married any
26 Feb 2013
Battlestar Galactica Engagement Ring
Made up of two cylon warrior heads from Battlestar Galactica (2004 BSG) and using components from his grandmothers ring, Michael Moragne has designed and made one of the coolest engagement rings I’ve ever seen. Talk about a