Duck Hunt Pinball Machine

I freaking LOVE pinball machines. I even recall when I was very little having one in my basement. I have no idea what happened to that delightful thing, but having a working pinball machine in my house is something I’ve always wanted to have back in my life. I’m also a big fan of retro games, so this infusion of pinball and old school nintendo is right up my alley. The folks over at Skit-B Pinball have built their very own Duck Hunt Pinball machine. How cool is that!

Now of course they didn’t build it from scratch, but instead took an old valiant machine and converted it into the piece of art that it is now. And for only about $500 and about 200 hours of work. Which to me seems like hardly anything. They’ve documented the process over at their site. So if you’ve got an interest in how it’s made, I highly recommend you check it out.

Duck Hunt Pinball

Classic gaming and pinball beautifully combine once more in the Duck Hunt pinball machine. This retro themed pinball machine features an interactive and nostalgic design based on the classic Nintendo Duck Hunt game. It’s like reliving your glorious childhood all over – See more at:

  1. 11 years ago

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