Superhero Noir Posters by Marko Manev

If you’ve got a flair for the dark and broody, and dig superhero posters, then I’ve got something you’re going to absolutely love. These superhero noir posters are fantastic. They all capture the heart of the characters they’re showcasing, and give them all a super dark feel that looks absolutely gorgeous.

Superhero Noir

Be sure to check out Marko Manev’s Facebook Page for all his latest works of art.

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Marko calls his recent work “Superhero Noir Posters”, with each one featuring a superhero in a scene that many fans would recognize. Anyone can slap a superhero (or two) onto a poster and share it with the whole world, but it does takes a special kind of something to make it dark and utterly beautiful. While I do love my poppy colors, Marko’s superhero noir posters make something stir deep inside me. Take a look for yourself, and you just might see what I mean.

  1. 8 years ago

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