How to Bind a Book by DiResta
By allhailskippy On 19 July 2013 In Books
Have you ever wanted to bind your own book?
I have! And now I know. Kind of. I have no idea what all of the materials were that they used, but the process looks surprisingly simple. I HAVE to try this out some time.
I think the only step that I truly don’t understand is the one where he takes a page from another book. Is that necessary, or does he just like guns?
How to Bind a Book by DiResta #nerdcrafting
It is necessary to put in paper there if you want to cover up the ugly cardboard part. Most use a decorative paper of some sort, like the type found here:
He probably just likes guns. Lol. Also, I’m not sure what type of glue he was using, but bookbinding glue should help reduce the paper crinkling that he got on his gun pages. It could also just be a result of the paper he used. It’s not really made to be glued like that. Looking forward to seeing your project, if you decide to take the plunge!
i agree with you Sarah. I usually teach my students how to marble the inside papers for their book.
How to bind your own book:
Quick question. The begining of the process is FOLDING all the pages. Do you need to (or is it stronger binding, etc) fold the paper. OR is this just to make the smaller book. OR, can you just start with a pile of 8-1/2X11 and make a book that size. (weird use of CAPS here…) Just curious, as i have a pile of sketches would love to bind myself.
ALSO, how long do you let it dry?
@Jonathan I didn’t make this.. it’s a tutorial by DiResta. You should post your question on their YouTube video page (
Make sure to check out some of their other videos while you’re there 🙂
thank very much, will do that.